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LLaMA Pro: Progressive LLaMA with Block Expansion (Paper Explained) https://arxiv.org/html/2401.02415v1 LLaMA Pro: Progressive LLaMA with Block Expansion HTML conversions sometimes display errors due to content that did not convert correctly from the source. This paper uses the following packages that are not yet supported by the HTML conversion tool. Feedback on these issues are not necessary; they are kno arxiv.org 짧은 요약 LLaMA Pro는 기존 LLaMA 언어 모델을 기반으로 새로운 블록 .. 더보기
AI Learns Stairs (deep reinforcement learning) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xk8wHY1AFpI 잼나넹넹 더보기
InstantID https://instantid.github.io/ InstantID There has been significant progress in personalized image synthesis with methods such as Textual Inversion, DreamBooth, and LoRA. Yet, their real-world applicability is hindered by high storage demands, lengthy fine-tuning processes, and the need for multi instantid.github.io https://github.com/InstantID/InstantID GitHub - InstantID/InstantID: InstantID : Z.. 더보기
AI LUMIERE https://www.theverge.com/2024/1/27/24052140/google-lumiere-ai-video-generation-runway-pika Google’s Lumiere brings AI video closer to real than unreal Lumiere can edit videos or create whole new ones from a prompt. www.theverge.com https://lumiere-video.github.io/ Lumiere - Google Research Space-Time Text-to-Video diffusion model by Google Research. lumiere-video.github.io AI 영화 올해안에 나올지도? 더보기
sdxl 학습법 https://github.com/bmaltais/kohya_ss?tab=readme-ov-file#sdxl-training GitHub - bmaltais/kohya_ss Contribute to bmaltais/kohya_ss development by creating an account on GitHub. github.com https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui GitHub - AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui: Stable Diffusion web UI Stable Diffusion web UI. Contribute to AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui developme.. 더보기
Kaggle Notebooks <-> Colab update https://www.linkedin.com/posts/kaggle_new-kaggle-notebooks-colab-updates-activity-7156718530447441920-ydjd?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_android LinkedIn Kaggle 페이지: 🎉 New Kaggle Notebooks Colab updates! Now you can: ✅ Import directly… | 댓글 14 🎉 New Kaggle Notebooks Colab updates! Now you can: ✅ Import directly from Colab without having to download/re-upload ✅ Upload via link, by pasting Go.. 더보기
AutoTrain - Hugging Face https://www.linkedin.com/posts/abhi1thakur_autotrain-is-now-local-first-this-activity-7156595676796141569-qtIE?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_android LinkedIn 🚀 Abhishek Thakur 페이지: 🤗 AutoTrain is now local-first! 💥 This means you can install… | 댓글 21 🤗 AutoTrain is now local-first! 💥 This means you can install autotrain-advanced using pip and run trainings using the UI locally 🚀 In Hugging .. 더보기
Self-Rewarding Language Models https://arxiv.org/abs/2401.10020 Self-Rewarding Language Models We posit that to achieve superhuman agents, future models require superhuman feedback in order to provide an adequate training signal. Current approaches commonly train reward models from human preferences, which may then be bottlenecked by human performan arxiv.org 간단 명료 사람이 판단하던 RLHF에서 인공지능이 인공지능을 판단하는 단계로 넘어가자는 이야기 강화학습에서 이미 전년도에.. 더보기