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Dijkstra's Hidden Prime Finding Algorithm https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=fwxjMKBMR7s 몰랐던걸 알았다... import heapq import time # dijkstraPrimes_heapq_2 함수 정의 def dijkstraPrimes_heapq_2(n): pool = [(4, 2)] primes = [2] for i in range(3, n): current_value, current_prime = heapq.heappop(pool) if current_value > i: heapq.heappush(pool, (i**2, i)) primes.append(i) else: while current_value 더보기
VAE - 간단 설명 (동영상 공) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-n2HNan9jo 더보기
InstantID https://instantid.github.io/ InstantID There has been significant progress in personalized image synthesis with methods such as Textual Inversion, DreamBooth, and LoRA. Yet, their real-world applicability is hindered by high storage demands, lengthy fine-tuning processes, and the need for multi instantid.github.io https://github.com/InstantID/InstantID GitHub - InstantID/InstantID: InstantID : Z.. 더보기
AI LUMIERE https://www.theverge.com/2024/1/27/24052140/google-lumiere-ai-video-generation-runway-pika Google’s Lumiere brings AI video closer to real than unreal Lumiere can edit videos or create whole new ones from a prompt. www.theverge.com https://lumiere-video.github.io/ Lumiere - Google Research Space-Time Text-to-Video diffusion model by Google Research. lumiere-video.github.io AI 영화 올해안에 나올지도? 더보기
AutoTrain - Hugging Face https://www.linkedin.com/posts/abhi1thakur_autotrain-is-now-local-first-this-activity-7156595676796141569-qtIE?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_android LinkedIn 🚀 Abhishek Thakur 페이지: 🤗 AutoTrain is now local-first! 💥 This means you can install… | 댓글 21 🤗 AutoTrain is now local-first! 💥 This means you can install autotrain-advanced using pip and run trainings using the UI locally 🚀 In Hugging .. 더보기
image-classification-on-imagenet https://paperswithcode.com/sota/image-classification-on-imagenet?p=resnest-split-attention-networks Papers with Code - ImageNet Benchmark (Image Classification) The current state-of-the-art on ImageNet is NoisyViT-B (384res, ImageNet-21k pretrain). See a full comparison of 958 papers with code. paperswithcode.com 더보기
QLora 구조 https://www.linkedin.com/posts/andrew-iain-jardine_llm-opensource-gpt3-activity-7153038508087984128-Qiqq?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_android LinkedIn Andrew Jardine 페이지: #llm #opensource #gpt3 | 댓글 30 MoE ➕ QLoRA 🟰 PESC ......a new technique that turns any #LLM into a MoE LLM........ also we get a new #opensource model that beats Mixtral 🥳 The clever… | 댓글 30 www.linkedin.com 항상 댓글에 Lora와.. 더보기
라마2 개선 버전? https://www.linkedin.com/posts/aiatmeta_introducing-prompt-engineering-with-llama-activity-7155984162926067712-PAAY?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_android 더보기