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Understanding Transformer reasoning capabilities via graph algorithms https://research.google/blog/understanding-transformer-reasoning-capabilities-via-graph-algorithms/ Understanding Transformer reasoning capabilities via graph algorithmsConclusion We provide a comprehensive evaluation of transformer models’ graph reasoning capabilities, shedding light on their effectiveness across diverse graph reasoning tasks. By introducing a novel representational hierarchy, .. 더보기
Extending video masked autoencoders to 128 frames 보호되어 있는 글입니다. 더보기
Security for Data Privacy in Federated Learning with CUDA-Accelerated Homomorphic Encryption in XGBoost 보호되어 있는 글입니다. 더보기
Satellite powered estimation of global solar potential https://research.google/blog/satellite-powered-estimation-of-global-solar-potential/ Satellite powered estimation of global solar potentialAcknowledgements We would like to thank individuals in Google Research, Geo and DeepMind who carried out this work and made the launch possible, including (in alphabetical order): Alex Wilson, Alicia Noel, Ariel Mann, Artem Zholus, Betty Peng, Carl Elkin,rese.. 더보기
Develop Multilingual and Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval Systems with Efficient Data Storage https://developer.nvidia.com/blog/develop-multilingual-and-cross-lingual-information-retrieval-systems-with-efficient-data-storage/ Develop Multilingual and Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval Systems with Efficient Data Storage | NVIDIA Technical BlogEfficient text retrieval is critical for a broad range of information retrieval applications such as search, question answering, semantic textual .. 더보기
2025년 이후의 기술 예측 https://www.allthingsdistributed.com/2024/12/tech-predictions-for-2025-and-beyond.html Tech predictions for 2025 and beyondWe've entered an era of unprecedented societal challenges and rapid technological advancements. Harnessing technology for good has become both an ethical imperative and a profitable endeavor. These are the areas where I see technology shaping society in 20www.allthingsdistri.. 더보기
Whisk: Visualize and remix ideas using images and AI https://blog.google/technology/google-labs/whisk/ Whisk: Visualize and remix ideas using images and AIWhisk is a new Google Labs experiment that lets you prompt using images for a fast and fun creative process.blog.google일반 요약Whisk는 새로운 생성형 AI 도구로, 텍스트가 아닌 이미지를 입력해 이미지를 생성할 수 있습니다. 사용자는 주제, 장면, 스타일에 해당하는 이미지를 드래그해 넣고, 이를 혼합하여 독창적인 결과물을 만들 수 있습니다. Whisk는 Gemini를 사용해 입력된 이미지의 세부적인 설명을 자동으로 작성한 뒤, .. 더보기
Working with tabular data in Python https://wandb.ai/mostafaibrahim17/ml-articles/reports/Working-with-tabular-data-in-Python--Vmlldzo4MTU4OTgx Working with tabular data in PythonIn this tutorial we'll explore how to work with tabular data in Python, using it to predict earthquakes. Made by Mostafa Ibrahim using Weights & Biaseswandb.ai 이 튜토리얼에서는 파이썬을 사용하여 표 형식(tabular) 데이터를 다루고 이를 통해 지진을 예측하는 방법을 탐구합니다.Mostafa Ibrahim 작성일: 5월 31일.. 더보기